June 28-29

Some slightly overdue photos for everyone. (; These are a smattering of landscape shots, people, and interesting objects. I hope you enjoy! If anyone has specific requests for objects/locations/etc. they want to see, just post or email me with a comment or question and I'll see what I can do! We might loose our internet for a little while, so I'll be posting whatever and whenever I can - Sorry folks! It's going to be a bit erratic! The teachers will still be able to post some of our material on the polarTREC website, so be sure to keep checking both places!

My messy bunk space : P

Marisa's and my dorm room

One of the many Greenlandic wildflowers (I don't know the technical name for this one, sorry!)


Okay, not really, that's just the foamy result of some microbial activity in the nearby salt lake. Tee hee. :)

The bone of a large animal; possibly musk ox or reindeer (caribou)

A view of the salt lake with the glacier in the background. We'll be visiting the ice sheet tomorrow!!!

The Americans attempt to spell "JSEP". It didn't work so well. >_<

Shelly "Shynes" Hynes, NSF Einstein Fellow, and me! (Rocking the "multiclava" headband!)

The lovely salt lake nestled in its surrounding rocky terrain.

A musk ox footprint on the lake shore (with human prints for scale).

A view into the hills across the lake.

A lone (and very curious) caribou trying to get to the lake (we were in its way).

Looking across a meadow of dwarf willow & birch to see the glacier.

The cozy town of Kangerlussuaq.

The airport

The airstrip (but no LC-130's - I'll try to get one later)

Some "glacier swept" rock faces surrounded by dwarf birch and willow.

Our relative location to the rest of the world (or most of it) :)

Bonus! A few new vocabulary words (with approximate pronunciation):
Haluu [ha-loo] (Greenlandic) - Hello
Morgenmad [Morgen-mad] (Greenlandic) - Breakfast
Frokost (Greenlandic) - Lunch
Aftensmad (Greenlandic) - Dinner

Some fun sentences:
Tuttuttut tututtut tuttutut tututtutut tuttutuuttut. - Dirty reindeer hunters who are eating reindeer as dirty reindeer. (It's like Greenlandic Morse Code!)

Nalunaarasuartaateeranngualiornialikkersaaleraluallaraminngoorasiinngcontaq. - They were talking about making a little telegram station.


  1. Hi Maeve,

    Great fotos. I am very jealous. Can't wait to see pictures from the snow and ice world. Why is that lake salty - no drainage or connected to the sea, or something else? I would have guessed that local seasonal melt would overwhelm the salinity of a water body that small, but maybe it's bigger than it looks? Thanks for sharing! This is really cool stuff!

